(Originally aired @ Fight Recurrence News (August 7, 2023):
The NY Cancer Resource Alliance is proud to honor the work of Dr. Donato Pérez García - leading global expert in IPT/IPTLD (Insulin Potentiation therapy)- a bioregenerative medical procedure. Dr. Donato has been practicing the IPT protocol since 1983 and is a current and active physician in Tijuana, Mexico. He is Certified in Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy. He is also a Member, Advisor and Professor of the Medical College for Regenerative Medicine. He focused his research on the expansion of cancer treatment, arthritic conditions and an array of chronic illnesses since founded by two prior generations of his forefathers in the 50's.
To define, insulin potentiation therapy is a bio regenerative medicine procedure that uses a dose of fast-acting insulin as a biological response modifier to induce cell permeability in a controlled manner and thus facilitating the exchange between extra and intracellular fluids. This allows drugs to enter the cell interior, going to the specific site to generate a chemical and physical change that contributes to repair cell function in most cases.
Dr. Donato often establishes the scientific background about disease only occurring within the cell. He explains that "a cell is the basic unit of the body. When one or more of the cellular components do not perform their physicochemical function, alterations are generated that give manifestations and that is a disease. Many chronic degenerative diseases like Respiratory diseases, Gastric diseases, Gastritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Osteoporosis, Sarcoma, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, ME, Chronic infections, Prostatitis, Colitis, as well as cancer, to treat them medically, it is necessary to enter the interior of the cell to carry out the physicochemical corrections that reverse the alterations of one or several cellular organelles and thus restore the state of health. For the treatment of many diseases, it is necessary to use an integrative program that includes nutrition and some complementary therapies to restore cell function or sometimes to prepare the body to receive stem cells.
Dr. Garcia dedicated his profession to the continuance of the work originally founded by his grandfather, Dr. Donato Pérez García Sr. (Right image-R) in the 1950's where his work was focused on treating bacterial and venerial disease in military personnel. IPT was significantly expanded by his father Donato Perez Garcia y Bellón (practiced from 1956 to 2000) in Mexico City, and vastly added to IPT education and clinical research. This led to the recorded success in treating an extensive array of cancers and infectious diseases and chronic conditions.
7/11/2023- In a private interview, Dr. Donato generously shared the evolution of this groundbreaking protocol through the applied research and continued patient success by his own findings and those from his forefathers. He approved this interview with the hopes of bringing awareness to IPT and "publishing positive facts that will help doctors understand the protocol so they can offer this to people who are interested a much more effective approach to treatment".
The medical world owes the three generations of Dr. Garcia's a debt of gratitude for their historical contributions of upending the effects of pre-existing therapeutic treatments. Today's vastly growing community of IPT clinicians across the globe continued to forge the likelihood of bringing so many more patients into remission.
By: Dr. Donato Pérez García
By now, most of the doctors that are familiar with insulin potentiation therapy are using this for treating malignant conditions such as cancer tumors. From my vast clinical experience in applying IPT to cancer patients, I would say the patients success rate with the insulin therapies after the patient's case has been reviewed and depending on the stage and treatments can be between 76 to 82%. Okay. That is compared to a lower number of success with the high dose of standard chemotherapy. As long as there are medications or chemical substances that can be effective, IPT is able to complement that treatment of a particular disease.
The term "Insulin Potentiation Therapy" was a name that was formed sometime in 1985- 86. It was an attempt at making the procedure easier to remember for the American Medical community and the medical doctors in the United States. But the original name that my grandfather gave it to his medical procedure (back in the 40's) was a much longer one- he called it "CELLULAR THERAPY THROUGH THE BIO PHYSICO CHEMICAL CONSTANTS OF THE BLOOD”.
Since 1930, he initially started to treat patients who had bacterial infection in the military. He was the head of the Army clinic where venereal or sexually transmitted diseases- specifically syphilis. By the mid-fifties, he also had a good idea of treating gastric and duodenal ulcers. He used the current available resources including sulfa, penicillin, and bismuth a substance that protects the gastrointestinal membrane and an anti-infective agent. Next came polio in the 1950's & 60's where children in Mexico grew heavily infected. My grandfather achieved great success by formulating a solution to reduce the replication of the virus. He injected insulin followed by a formula of medications inducing antiviral activity. By then, my father joined the practice alongside several lab chemists to help fortify these solutions.
Reports of their findings from a wide range of clinical studies were assembled into reports submitted to medical academies and then to the American Embassy. They also reached out to universities like Loyola and Houston, then MD Anderson Research Center to share their results as far as the effects and changes induced by the administration of insulin.
Little attention was given to my grandfather's and father's reports until the late 80's. The United States Congress created the Office of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and their chief investigator at the time (Dr. Maryanne Richardson) was in a global search for supportive solutions for cancer therapy. She learned about the IPT reports and findings and sought out Dr. Donato from Mexico. By this time, I took over the mantle that my grandfather and father started in the 60's and I met with Dr. Richardson and other agencies in support of establishing the next voice for Insulin Potentiation.
Currently, the Academy for IPT is under review because the American and European doctors are trying to formalize the platform. I joined the Academy of Regenerative Medicine and they are going to start offering courses on non-diabetic use of insulin potentiation therapy. I'll now be a teacher within that organization while managing to see patients in need of care. I would also be supporting the work of the Academy for IPT, also to continue the educational mission internationally.
I produced a major book project on IPT and is currently being reviewed by the educational department of the Academy for Regenerative Medicine. The presentation is an upgrade on the way insulin potentiation therapy was taught in the past. I was convinced by this academy to really do some good research and put the right name(s) with the right evidence in order to present a program that goes with the evidence-based medicine and backed by the science that will support this, so the new training program will be available by the end of September of 2023.
1) https://www.iptq.com/donato3.htm
2) Dr. Garcia's website: https://donatoperezgarcia.com/
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